Thomains LaFerrier
A quiet, traditionalist Viera who resides in Gridania after the destruction of his village in the Golmore Jungle. He is known for his volatile temperament and skill as a bard.


“Remember this Rassgat-- to live out your days in service to the Wood, to your people, is the greatest honor. To pass on into the aetherial sea, knowing that you have given your all to protect this land and our brothers and sisters– that is your purpose.”

Born of the unusual circumstances of war, Nóam fought tooth and claw to prove himself worthy of a place among his brothers in the Southernmost Rava village of Golmore. Half Veena and half Rava, the jack stood a head shorter than his siblings, his body better suited to the snow than the brutality of the jungle. It was predicted he would not survive to maturity, and if he did, he would not weather the harsh training required to become a Wood Warder.This constant disregard only drove Nóam to love his people more fiercely as he worked for their acceptance. He took great pride in their culture, became obsessed with surpassing his brothers, and grew rigid in his traditionalism. His desire for honor eventually carried him through youth, into adolescence, and the violence of his Wood Warder training.The whole of Nóam’s achievements would eventually be forfeit when their village was razed by a Garlean cohort, boasting a new fusion of Allagan and Imperial war magitek. Nóam was left the only survivor. To this day he refuses to speak of the two months he spent in captivity, save that he was left for dead in Nagxia and rescued by a Sharlayan Gleaner.

Under Construction

Farsældin með friðnum er
sem faðmar brjóstið varma
stríðið sæmd og sælu
sára vekur harma.

“He’s an odd one. Comes and goes as he pleases, always doing or saying some asinine thing or another, and once you think you’ve about done with him, he goes and does something so outlandishly kind… that, well, it just starts the cycle all over again.” Sanson shook his head. “...I never know how to make heads or tails of him.”

One might find Thomains passing the hours sleeping in the tall grass above the Quiver’s Hold, barking orders at green recruits, or holding the attention of a tavern at night with his lute. While his handsome appearance may seem inviting, many have learned the hard way that he is far from approachable.Thomains is generally reserved in social situations, but can become hostile when pressed. Because he was raised with the expectation of failure, he is incredibly competitive. He feels the constant need to posture and dominate hierarchies to feel secure. His attitude makes him difficult to partner with, and he often finds himself in troublesome situations due to his mouth. Those that do find him good company have done so by accident, as winning his favor is nearly impossible to achieve.As a companion, Thomains is playful and mischievous. He enjoys teasing the people he loves, and is quick to offer his aid when called upon. He shows his affection through acts of service and small gifts, which he waves away as things of little consequence. When he forms a bond, it is lifelong and unbreakable.This does not mean friendship with the bard is easy. Thomains is a staunch traditionalist and often holds himself and others to the standards of the Wood. His morality is ambiguous at best, and he is often hypocritical in his own relationship to it.Should one be willing to weather his shortcomings, they will find that their couch will always be warm from his comings and goings, and music will never be very far away.

'He had been avoiding asking the obvious question in return. What had happened to him? Grayson noted the gruesome scars on his back with a note of sympathy. There were assumptions he could make about where Thomains came from, how he received such vicious scars and why they hadn’t healed well, but...It was not his place to ask, nor was it his place to receive any satisfying answer about their origin.'

If the unusual length of his leporine ears do not capture your attention, the soft slope of the bard’s nose and delicate features will. Viera are a rare people, and rarer still on Eorzean soil. To dance a drunken jig to the bard’s lute is a novelty, and one that draws double the coin of any other minstrel.Though Thomains boasts both Rava and Veena blood, he bears all of the racial features of the Skatay Range Viera. His body is small and compact, honed further by his intimacy with a bow. His hair is light and sleek, razored to give him a sharper appearance. His fingers are long and thin, calloused from the number of stringed instruments he plays.Should you happen upon him in a state of undress, you would see the brutal scarring that travels the span of his back. Should you warm his bed, you might feel the notched scar tissue beneath the fur of his ear.Behind heavily charcoaled eyes and an ever present smirk, one would be hard pressed to determine the Viera’s age. While at first glance he appears a young twenty two, there is a weathered quality to his demeanor that boasts greater years.
'He offered it up again by taking Thomains’ hand in one of his, depositing the pendent in his open palm. The gold chain he coiled around the oval shape, around and around until there was nothing left but to drop the clasp amongst the links.'“...It is a gift. For you.” The Rava closed Thomains’ fingers around the item and pressed his hand back towards his chest. “I thought perhaps it would remind you of us, A’nhabi and myself..."'

Thomains is often seen fitted with plumed hats and finely cut clothing within larger cities, and looser tunics and jerkins when at home in Gridania. He tends towards earth colors, preferring a simple palette and sharp tailoring, over truly ostentatious fashions.He is never without his small lyre when he travels, and often has a pan flute stowed in his pack. His instrument of choice is a particularly handsome lute, gifted to him by his companion Grayson. Its body and head bear intricate carvings of sirens courting fleurs like waves. He is incredibly precious about its care, and he counts it as the most lovely instrument he will ever own.Thomains wears another gift from the Rava for many years– a cameo of cloudy blue larimar, hand carved into the likeness of a snowdrop. Eventually that pendant would be joined by a simple ring he wears on his finger until his dying day.
Stylized art

Art Parties

'She was more certain now that they’d never met. She would have remembered a face like his, and with those eyes?'

Additional Styles of Art

“I am a bard. I compose songs by trade. I cannot be held responsible for what words whet my tongue.”

Forest Name: Nóam Djt-Bidit
City Name: Thomains LaFerrier
Born: 1527 Sixth Astral Era; Village of the Fjafæla Rava
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Life Mate: Grayson LaFerrierHeight: 5'8
Appearance: Taupe hair, violet eyes, compact musculature
Distinguishing Features: Severe scarring from lower back, up and over one shoulder; Slender ears that match the span of his elbow to his fingertips; Heavy accentRace Relationships: Hostile towards male city Viera and Garleans, ambivalent towards Hyur, Roegadyn, Elezen, Au Ra, and Lalafel. Favors female Viera, male Miqo'te, and Hrothgar
Likes: Stringed instruments, hunting, giving and receiving gifts, simple hearty meals, his independence
Dislikes: Physical touch when he is not the one initiating it, small creatures, airship travel, firearms, magitek, feeling like he does not have control over his surroundingsUnsavory Qualities: Short tempered, highly emotional, quick to lash out, hypocritical standards of morality, listless, cannot sleep alone
Redeeming Qualities: Tenderhearted once trust is established, his loyalty is lifelong and generational, playful, shows love with small touches and little acts of kindness

In-Game Name: Thomains LaFerrier
DC: Crystal/Brynhildr
Job Class: Bard
In-Game RP: NoRP Preference: Multi-Para/Discord only; All RPs are considered loosely tied AU's that share core character development moments but different long term outcomes
Short-Term or Long-Term: Long-Term partners for Main Story Projects, Short projects Short-Term is okayInterests: High Fantasy leaning, FFXIV lore compliant
Shipping: Thomains is not open for future shippingCurrent Main Story RP Status: Closed
1/1: Secrets (10/22- on-going)Shorter RP Projects: Closed
1/2: Impulse Main Story (9/22 - 7/23) / ((Sidestories on-going))
2/2: Value (6/24 - on-going)(Updated as of 9/24)
"Hann sagði mér frá landi einu, langt af leið það er
On nú er eins og eitthvað hafi brostið inní mér”


While napping atop the knolls of Gridania, Thomains is intrigued when he hears a young Auri woman singing a Rava folk song in his native tongue. Despite Thomains’ irritable temperament, the cheerful young woman named A'nhabi manages to befriend him.Through A'nhabi, Thomains is introduced to the cold and reclusive Rava Grayson, and learns that the man has been plagued by a great and terrible curse— a curse they intend to break together.


Following the passing of his life partner and companions, Thomains steps away from the Bard Unit for a time to grieve and reclaim his sense of self.He accepts a mark from a band of Sky Pirates who claim that there is a hidden city beneath the ruins of Garlemald— The Underground.Upon Thomains’ arrival to this mysterious industrial city, he runs into Nova Quinn, a previous conquest from decades prior. The man offers him a bed and his help navigating the city, though Thomains soon finds that Nova has just as many secrets to unravel as the gritty subterranean jungle.

A'Nhabi Ohwe

"It's a pleasure to meet you, and your name was...?"

A'nhabi Ohwe is a Conjurer who spends most of her time within the borders of the Black Shroud. She finds a great deal of pride in her work and is content to remain settled in Gridania to continue to care for the residents of the city. Without the constant work, A’nhabi fears she would have no reason to stay, and longs for the opportunity to step outside the familiar confines of the Twelveswood.

"Do you require my services? If not, then you'd best be on your way."

Very little is known about Grayson, and he prefers to keep himself out of other's affairs. He seldom makes appearances in any of the major city states, but when he does it's typically to stock up on materials for his trade as a jeweler. While he is polite towards strangers, he lacks a certain warmth in casual conversation that makes him difficult to approach.A rumor once spread that he was wanted by the Bozjan Resistance, but for what no one could rightly say.
Nova Quinn

"Should this go according to plan, you owe me one."

Nova Quinn appeared mysteriously in the Garlean Underground with his motorbike, swiftly making himself a familiar figure amidst its streets, though no one is able to keep track of when he comes and to where he goes.Though Nova has the body of a dancer, and a silver tongue when necessary, he is aggressive and narcissistic— rejecting all relational attachments.He has the appearance of a Rava, but there is something ‘off’ about him— his scent, a slight difference in look, and accent. In his sleep he sometimes mutters about a place called Eulmore and something about a twin…
Atticus Domitia

"You lost rabbit?"

A child of the Underground, Atticus is the son of one of Garlemald’s subjugated. He bears a Garlean name and is a prodigious machinest, often found tinkering with magitek parts.He is burdened by a prosthetic magitek leg, though how he lost the limb is shrouded in mystery, as his story changes dramatically with each retelling.
Side Stories

Side Stories

pc - Vanilla Posing
Console PS5
Console PS4
In Collaboration with Nova Quinn

A Second Meeting

Extended Tools
Viera April
1. Hope
2. Tainted
3. Light
4. Friendship
5. Trouble
6. Heat
7. Shine
8. Security
9. Illness
10. Eternity
11. Distance
12. Connection
13. Solitude
14. Waste(land)
15. Thirst
16. Charged
17. Mystery
18. Movement
19. Value
20. Rest
21. Protection
22. Growth
23. Joy
24. Pressure
25. Sight
26. Trust
27. Obsession
28. Effort
29. Contact
30. Renewal
Lore Gallery
Anime/Manga Style
18+ Some NSFW
